Men's Work: Psychosynthesis Circle with Mircea Budulean & Erik Hedblad (english)

Discover the power of personal development in a group setting

An independetly organized event in collaboration between the Psykosyntesakademin Foundation and the therapists with a PSA® diploma. A bit like TEDx or Open Source – a platform for initiatives within a shared framework.

Men’s Work: Psychosynthesis Circle with Mircea Budulean & Erik Hedblad

We create this circle for men with the intention of self-exploration and healing for those who are interested of knowing themselves deeper and take the next step in their personal development through stepping into a group. The group is highly facilitated with two therapists, Mircea and Erik, with one assisting therapist, Fred Wrangel (therapist in training at PsA).

In the group you will both have the opportunity to do focused individual work and to witness and learn from the work of others. There is knowledge in experiencing ourselves in a new and more truthful way together with others, receive their support and give our own. 

Outline of the five meetings:

  1. Starting Point & Intentions
  2. Masculinity & Father Relationship
  3. Femininity & Mother Relationship
  4. Purpose & Meaning
  5. Will & Integration 


Dates & times: 16:00-19:00, five times during spring/summer 2021:
May 24 & 31, June 7, 14 & 21

Location: Psykosyntesakademin, Tengdahlsgatan 32, Stockholm


  • 2 000 kr for students & job-seekers
  • 4 000 kr for you with normal finances
  • 6 000 kr for you with strong finances
  • 6 000 kr + VAT for companies

We apply the principle of “pay-it-forward” where you who have a stable economy give the opportunity for someone else to participate at a lower price.


Prerequisites: None. However, you need to answer a questionnaire when you register your interest. This is to determine if personal development in a group setting is right for you, right now.


Only 6-8 participants per group, so do not wait too long with your application.

Mircea holds a 4-year diploma from Psykosyntesakadmein. He has a background in traditional male ideals such as elite sports and banking, before moving into humanitarian social work and psychosynthesis therapy. Within these environments he learned to overcome his limitations, serve the team and help others less fortunate – paying the price of comfort, challenging his own boundaries and self-worth.

Mircea Budulean

Diplomerad Psykosyntesterapeut PSA®

Erik Hedblad was trained as a psychosynthesis therapist at Psykosyntesakademin. He has a background in business and extreme sports. From this experience, Erik knows about the insecurity that often rests behind high achievement and elitism. Erik has a passion for music and the links between personal growth and sustainability.

Erik Hedblad

Diplomerad Psykosyntesterapeut PSA®

Ett fristående arrangemang: Så fungerar Arena Psykosyntesakademin

Fristående arrangemang av och med diplomerade psykosyntesterapeuter. Stiftelsen Psykosyntesakademin anger ramarna i ett kvalitetssystem och sköter viss administration. Arrangemangen genomförs självständigt av respektive arrangör.

  • Ett arrangemang på Arenan leds alltid av minst en Diplomerad Psykosyntesterapeut PSA®
  • Terapeuterna går i professionell handledning
  • Terapeuterna är medlemmar i yrkesföreningen Psykosyntesföreningen
  • Terapeuterna har en aktiv ansvarsförsäkring
  • Arrangemang på Arenan följer Psykosyntesföreningens etiska ramverk
  • Terapeuterna tillämpar klientsekretess och konfidentialitet
  • Personuppgifter hanteras i enlighet med GDPR

Är du diplomerad Psykosyntesterapeut PSA® och vill ta plats på arenan? Kontakta rektor så får du mer information.


Fler cirklar och arrangemang på Arena Psykosyntesakademin

Fler cirklar och arrangemang på Arena Psykosytnesakademin